By Their Fruits

In the weekday Gospel readings for this time of the year (Ordinary Time, Cycle A), we have been following Matthew’s narration of Jesus’ public ministry.  And, on the day I sat down to share this reflection, the passage included this observation Jesus shared with His disciples (on how to validate a prophet):

“By their fruits you will know them.”

Twice, in the space of 5 verses (Mt. 7: 16, 20), He shares that standard with them – and, of course, with all of us.  So, I found myself acknowledging that Jesus really wants me to take what He is sharing here to heart, in how I measure my own fidelity to His invitations to follow Him.

But there is a danger hidden in that sort of self-appraisal.

Yes, it is necessary and important that I be thorough and ruthlessly honest in examining my efforts and their outcomes.  That’s an important step in what I do in my daily Awareness Examen prayer.  

But it is only a small part of that prayer.

The rest of that prayer focuses not so much on me, but on God.  And how God is at work in all my efforts.  And, as St. Paul reminds me: “All things work for the good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28).

Sure, sometimes my fruit is a bit marred.  

But it is God who will supply the pruning.  I just need to surrender that job to His love and grace.

Fr. Mike French, SJ