We, the People 

We live in a time of real political turmoil and danger. So we need to keep clear the connection between ordinary law-abiding, virtuous people (even sinners like us) and a working democracy. Ideas about this are now new . 

In his Farewell Address, Washington declared that “political prosperity” depended first on “religion and morality.”” Jefferson though the only solid basis of our democracy was the people’s belief that “these liberties are of the gift of God.” John Adams claimed that. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People” and would no work without them..

So, our Christian duty in preserving the gift of our freedom in this turbulent time?  

Keep faith in Jesus Christ and practice our virtues.  And if you really believe our Founders, act like it: keep a quiet heart, wisely obey our laws and go vote.

Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.